Sampler Fast Poisson [Bri07]
The Fast Poisson sampler from [DH06].
For a more precise description of this sampler and its performances in terms of aliasing and discrepancy, please refer to the following web bundle
FastPoisson sampler
Usage: ./FastPoisson [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-n UINT REQUIRED Number of points
-d UINT UNUSED ! Here for compatibility with others.
-s,--seed UINT UNUSED ! Here for compatibility with others.
-m UINT [1] Number of pointsets
-o,--out TEXT [out.dat] Output file (format). {i} splits outputs in multiple files and token is replaced by index.
--method TEXT [DartThrowing]
Method. [DartThrowing, BestCandidate, BoundarySampler, Pure, LinearPure, Penrose, Uniform, ]
-r,--radius FLOAT [0] Radius in [0.0005, 0.2]. If outside the range, will attempt to find a radius given N.
--throwMult UINT [1] Multiplier for number of throw (for DartThrowing & BestCandidate methods)
--throws UINT [1000] Number of throws ().
--maximize Enable maximization
--tiled Enable tiling. Might be ignored for tiled-only methods
--relaxCount [0] Number of relaxation to perform
--silent Silence UTK logs
#include <utk/utils/PointsetIO.hpp>
#include <utk/utils/Pointset.hpp>
#include <utk/samplers/SamplerFastPoisson.hpp>
int main()
utk::Pointset<double> pts;
utk::SamplerFastPoisson fp(
"DartThrowing", /* method */
0.01, /* radius */
1, /* Throws multiplier */
1000, /* Number of throws */
false, /* Maximize or not */
true, /* True for tiling, might be ignored */
10, /* Number of relaxation steps */
fp.setRandomSeed(/* Or a seed */);
// Check for no errors
if (fp.generateSamples(pts, 1024 /* Number of points */))
write_text_pointset("fastpoisson.dat", pts);
import pyutk
fp = pyutk.FastPoisson(
"DartThrowing", # method
0.01, # radius
1, # Throws multiplier
1000, # Number of throws
False, # Maximize or not
True, # True for tiling, might be ignored
10, # Number of relaxation steps
samples = fp.sample(1024) # This is a numpy array !
See file. Author code from ‘Daniel Dunbar’ is released into the public domain.