The Pair Correlation Function expresses the distribution of distances between pairs of points in a point set. Intuitively, it expresses the number of samples that are at a distance r from a “typical” sample. Oztireli devised a simplified estimator for this measure in the particular case of isotropic and stationary point processes. It’s this function that is implemented here.
Note : When multiples pointset are given to ‘compute’, the results are averaged.
PCF calculator
Usage: ./PCF [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input TEXT:FILE ... REQUIRED
Input file(s)
-o,--output TEXT Output file (empty is stdout)
-t,--toroidal [0] When set, use toroidal distance
-b,--nbbins UINT [200] Number of bins
--rmin FLOAT [0.01] Minimal radius to consider
--rmax FLOAT [0.01] Maximal radius to consider
-s,--smoothin FLOAT [0.001]
Smoothing value
--silent Silence UTK logs
#include <utk/utils/PointsetIO.hpp>
#include <utk/utils/Pointset.hpp>
#include <utk/samplers/SamplerWhitenoise.hpp>
#include <utk/metrics/PCF.hpp>
int main()
utk::Pointset<double> pts;
utk::SamplerWhitenoise wn(2 /* dimension */);
wn.setRandomSeed(/* empty means random, can also pass a number */);
// Check for no errors
auto pcf = utk::PCF(
true, // Toroidal
0.01, // Min radius
0.15, // Max radius
200, // Number of bins
0.001 // Kernel smoothing
if (wn.generateSamples(pts, 1024 /* Number of points */))
auto rslt = pcf.compute(pts);
import pyutk
import numpy as np
pcf = PCF(
True, # Toroidal
0.01, # Min radius
0.15, # Max radius
200, # Number of bins
0.001 # Kernel smoothing
pcf = pcf.compute(np.random.uniform(0, 1, (128, 2)))
BSD, see UnanchoredL2Discrepancy.hpp